The quality is 5⭐️ and the company was awesome to work with. We have ordered more as we were so happy with
We don’t have any youth size kids in the house but ordered this in 2 different sizes to give as gifts. The print being in and not on the shirt makes it PERFECT for littles!
This shirt is soft, flexible and breathable. It is also very true to size and does not shrink in the drier.
I love this hoodie. It is amazing quality and the graphics are flawless. I didn’t realize when I was placing the order that I had made the graphics very small and Rachelle went out of her way to let me know and made a new PDF to show me a different design of it bigger and more proportionate to the hoodie. It was made and shipped way faster than I thought it would be too! Great company and great product.
5 Stars, got so many compliments!